May 11-July 13 2024 / The group show

Galleria Melesi

Via Mascari 54, 23900 Lecco Italy

Opening: Saturday, May 11 at 6:30 PM

“Chi nasce tondo non muor quadro” (“Once round, always round”) goes an old saying, suggesting how difficult it is to change one’s nature and remain true to oneself. However, the “pictures” displayed in this exhibition are an exception—they are all strictly “round,” challenging tradition and breaking away from the rigid rectangular shape of classic paintings. Instead of being confined to a defined boundary, they open up to infinite possibilities, floating on the white walls of the gallery. The works presented, with their circular or spherical forms, remind us that beauty and art can be found anywhere, even in what is different and unusual. They teach us not to fear stepping out of the box or experimenting with new forms and ideas. The circular shape of the painting offers different perspectives, is pleasing to the eye, can become a focal point in a room, or create interesting installations with other works. According to the artists, the round or oval shape is not easy to tackle; it is often a challenge because it requires a different approach to composition and perspective. But at the same time, it allows for the exploration of new possibilities, leading to unique and special results. Because beauty and creativity know no bounds.

The exhibition features 25 artists from different generations and backgrounds. The works, ranging from painting and sculpture to photography and installations, each have their own distinct language.

Corrado BONOMI (Novara, 1956) con le latte da conserva della serie Mare
Samuele BONOMI (Biella, 1967) con una ceramica mixed media
Alberto CASIRAGHY (Osnago, 1952) con Ovale rosso, un assemblaggio su tela
Gianni CELLA (Pavia, 1953) con Disegnare il mondo – omaggio a Boetti, in vetroresina
Angelica CONSOLI (Sarnico, 1991) con le cere PGR Per Grazia Ricevuta
Nando CRIPPA (Merate, 1974) con i bassorilievi ovali in terracotta
Francesca DELLA TOFFOLA (Montebelluna, 1973) con le fotografie Accerchiati incanti
Pino DEODATO (Nao, 1950) con la scultura in terracotta Un giorno di festa
Matilde DOMESTICO (Torino, 1964) con le sfere in porcellana industriale
Fabrizio DUSI (Sondrio, 1974) con le Classic family in ceramica
Enzo FORESE (Milano, 1947) con l’opera dipinta a olio su tela Senza titolo
Ottmar HORL (Nauheim D, 1950) con la scultura da parete The Salient Point
Mimmo IACOPINO (Milano, 1962) con Misure tonde e Misure ovali
Antonio IEVOLELLA (Benevento, 1952) con la scultura in ferro Specchio
Raluca JURCOVAN (Costanza RO, 1978) con le sue icone ricamate
Jiri KOLAR (Protivín CZ, 1914 – 2002) con il collage Uovo volante
Kazumasa MIZOKAMI (Arita, JPN 1958) con i bouquet in terracotta Luce della primavera
Matteo NEGRI (San Donato Milanese, 1982) con due opere della serie Kamigami
Pino PINELLI (Catania, 1938 – 2024) con la disseminazione Pittura G
Michelangelo PISTOLETTO (Biella, 1933) con il Vaso del Terzo Paradiso
Fabio TARAMASCO (Savona, 1980) con le Sante Agata
Nicolò TOMAINI (Bellano, 1989) con il dittico Ritratto dei coniugi Colombo
Simona UBERTO (Savona, 1965) con l’installazione Remember
Grazia VARISCO (Milano, 1937) con la coppia di Oh! in ferro
Giorgio VICENTINI (Varese, 1951) con l’opera La bellezza sta negli occhi di chi guarda.

my works on exhibition

the half sphere sculpture blue flower

The eyes of the Madonna 2021 painted terracotta 24x24x12,5cm
the half sphere sculpture pink flower
Spring light-3 2022 painted terracotta 12,5×12,5x6cm
the half sphere sculpture violet  flower
Spring light-9 2022 painted terracotta 14x14x6cm